Logo Meaning
The Logo is designed round, an expression of success, rotation, evolution. The green that is present in the logo reflects the Chinese word for OASIS. The gradual transition of green represents smooth and successful operation. The white opening portrays the shape of a river, demonstrating endless flows of energy. The 3 droplets represent the energy sources while the color signifies gold, wealth and treasure. Top one as natural gas energy. Bottom one as petroleum energy. Middle one alludes to emerging alternative energy.
图标设计形状为圆形,寓意圆满滚动发展轮回。色彩设计为金黄色和绿色配色。绿色底色寓意 OASIS的中文含义“绿洲”配合渐变色表现平滑顺利。中间白色开空部分形状如河流寓意能量流动生生不息。3颗滴状图形色彩金黄寓意财富滴状形状象征着能源。最上面一滴寓意天然气能源,最下面一滴寓意石油能源,中间的一滴象征着新兴能源呼之欲出。

Company Core Value Statements

We treat one another with respect, we communicate honestly and as openly as possible, and we seek diverse perspectives and opinions. We challenge ourselves to be better and open the door for success. With an open-mind and the desire to achieve great goals, we can take on the most difficult tasks.

We value the ability of our staff and organization to honor our commitments. We also take responsibility for our work and make what is wrong right to the greatest extent possible.

We recognize that businesses can have an impact on the environment. We are committed, and enjoy, finding ways in which we can reduce the impact of our work both in the office and other fields. At Oasis Energy, our commitment to enhancing the sustainability of our employees, customers, partners and the community is ingrained in our corporate culture.

We conduct our business in accordance with the highest standards of professional behavior and ethics. We are transparent, honest and ethical in all our interactions with employees, clients, investors and the public.

We believe that long-term success relies on full compliance with all applicable legal requirements, on sustainable business practices and on creating shared value.